This innovation project is part of one of Geoslab strategic lines: agriculture and environment, on which we have been working for several years with the aim of developing advanced decision support systems that contribute to the necessary digitisation of the sector.
This innovation project is part of one of GEOSLAB’s strategic lines: agriculture and environment, on which we have been working for several years with the aim of developing advanced decision support systems that contribute to the necessary digitisation of the sector.
FUSPREDICT’s proposal was selected in the call for grants for public-private collaboration projects of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023.
The objective of this project is the development of a cloud-based predictive model for the development of fungi of the genus Fusarium spp in stubble and fusarium in barley and maize.
The aim is, on the one hand, to predict the generation of mycotoxins in grain, which is a current problem in the agri-food industry, and, on the other hand, to identify and implement agronomic alternatives to accompany the prevention and control of fusariosis.
The consortium in charge of carrying out this project has a multidisciplinary character and is made up of:
- Agri-food sector companies: INTERMALTA y TEREOS,
- Research and transfer centres: Fundación de Innovación y Transferencia Agroalimentaria de Aragón (FITA), Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR) e Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE-CSIC)
- Technological companies: GEOSLAB
Our role in the consortium, as a technology partner, is to develop a prototype cloud-based information system to host the predictive model, feed it with relevant data and deliver results to support decision-making and risk management in relation to fusarium disease