Last December was published the list of beneficiaries of grants included in the Program of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness “Challenges in Cooperation” for 2016.  The objective of this Call is to support collaboration in projects between companies and R&D entities to promote the development of new technologies, the application to business context of new ideas and techniques and contribute to the creation of new products and services.

aGROSLab – GO: Geolocation and Optimization of farming processes in open environments (RTC-2016-4790-2) is one of the projects that has successfully pass the selection process. With a total budget of more than one million euros distributed in a three-year period, it lays out three main objectives:

  1. Improvement of automatization rates and optimization of farming processes linked to product traceability and planning and execution of activities on field.
  2. Development of a software platform to build Location Based Services (LBS) in geographic areas without 3G coverage.
  3. Development of optimized hardware, mainly low energy consumption sensors, to obtain necessary information to provide Location Based Services in a farming context without 3G coverage. These sensors can be installed in farming equipment without power source (tools, trailers, etc.) and dispose of high level autonomy.

The team in charge of project execution is composed by the following partners:

This consortium has broad experience in the development of R&D+i projects, both in Spain and at European level, and a deep knowledge of technological challenges in farming sector.

During the process of evaluation of aGROSLab – GO the technical quality of the project and the use of innovative technologies have been remarked, together with the fact that their objectives are aligned with future challenges outlined by European Union regarding to farming modernization.

Post by suzarso

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